Out of the whirlwind

Out of the Whirlwind is a GRAMMY® considered nouveau gospel Christian band based out of the gospel stronghold south side of Chicago. Made up of veteran songwriters and musicians who came together to put out a style they refer to as nouveau gospel. Not easily categorized but best analogized as a gumbo pot, made more savory by the different ingredients the members bring.

67th GRAMMY® For Your Consideration


Founding members John Ludwig, Dennis Jackson and Shawn Mitchell are joined by Larry Blake, Leon Dubose, Dale Giantomasso and Megan Marshall. Additional guests include Ricky Persaud, Jr. and frequent collaborators The Workstudy Performing Arts Choir. Band naming back story: The name comes from the Old Testament book of Job. For 37 chapters Job and his friends attempt to explain the views on what one might call God, life, the universe and everything. Then in Chapter 38 we read, "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: "Who is this that darkens counsel without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer Me"" Over the next few chapters, the Lord quizzes Job with a series of questions that only the Creator could answer. Job then humbly declares he will speak no more and repents from his prespective- less attempts at wisdom. The band seeks to represent the voice out of the whirlwind in all they do and say, as opposed to human voices that are full of their own understanding. To God be the glory!

Listen to our album

Fellow FYC GRAMMY ® entrants – we too are listening.  If you have anything being considered, please let us know.  Click here or email john@songsbyjohn.com.

Gospel Gumbo

The 16 songs on this album are designed to take the listener on a spiritual journey, all the while keeping them wondering what’s coming next. An eclectic diversity of styles and instrumentation, along with a series of ‘snippets’ keep the momentum going.

The first five songs illustrate this. We open and set the tone with that scripture verse Psalm 19:14 (may the words of my mouth, meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight…) with vocalist Megan Marshall acapella then with a cello and choir. The title track, Gospel Gumbo, has vocalist Shawn Mitchell guiding the band through multiple sections showing off a breezy jazz feel. Then, Oh Lord lands closest to traditional gospel with Leon Dubose on a haunting honest cry to the master for his guidance. Next John Ludwig plays a spirited ukulele version of This Little Light of Mine featuring the Workstudy choir kids. Following is a song of John’s, Broken, sung by Dennis Mitchell, that lands towards the contemporary Christian side. It speaks toward the dichotomy between human and divine brokenness.

Other standout tracks include Gospel Eyes – a joyful ear worm that will have you looking at the world from a gospel view – and dancing along to boot. I’m Gonna Build a Bridge has keys player Larry Blake on the lead in a 12/8 gospel shuffle that makes a statement for unity and inclusiveness in the divided times. It features some epic guitar from virtuoso Ricky Persaud, Jr that will knock your socks off. Don’t Forget You’re a Child of God is a simple message delivered in a really catchy box. Call it gospel pop or whatever you will, but another highlight – Jesus is My Rock – brings serious groove to that statement.

Track list

Band members

Leon Dubose – keys, vocals
(appearing on songs 2, 3, 7, 10)

Larry Blake – Keys, vocals
(appearing on songs 5, 7, 9, 15)

Shawn Mitchell – drums, vocals

(appearing on songs 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16)

Michael Tabor – drums
(appearing on songs 2, 5, 7)

Dale Giantomasso – bass

(appearing on songs 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15)

Dennis Jackson – trombone, vocals

(appearing on songs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16)

John Ludwig, guitar, bass, harp, vocals

(appearing on songs 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16)

Megan Marshall – vocals

(appearing on songs 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 16)

Feature artists

Ricky Persaud, Jr.
(appearing on song 9)

The Workstudy Performing Arts Choir

(appearing on songs 4, 9 10, 11, 13, 14, 15)

Frances Marshall

(appearing on song 1)

All songs recorded at House of Music Studio, Orland Park IL 60426

Additional recording for songs 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13 at Countryside Ct Studio,  Frankfort IL 60423

Mixing, mastering engineer Michael Tabor, Crestwood IL 60418

Producer: John Ludwig

About Out of the Whirlwind

A new breeze is blowing in the gospel world with the formation of Out of the Whirlwind. Hailing from the musically rich south side of Chicago, the birthplace of gospel music almost a century ago, Out of the Whirlwind respects those traditions but also spins in some new directions.

They like to refer to their music as a nouveau gospel gumbo – a melting pot that emanates from the member’s diverse backgrounds. The seasonings range from traditional gospel, jazz, blues, contemporary Christian, funk, R ‘n B, rock, folk, zydeco and even a touch of country. Although they are a newer band, the six members have bunches of decades of musical experience among them that shows in the carefully crafted melodies and harmonies, but never forgetting the passion that defines the core of the gospel experience.

Band nights for Out of the Whirlwind start with a prayer, and their prayer in your direction is that we might have a lot of things dumped in the gumbo pot, but it’s the Lord Almighty that is stirring it and seasoning it with his perfect plan.

To the Father, Son and Holy Ghost be the glory!