
Where the music matters and you do too!

John Ludwig

John Ludwig is a musician and composer whose philosophy is music is a tool to help people connect with God. His musical diversity ranges from bluegrass, folk, country, Irish, bagpipes, rock, polka, and even zydeco. His musical inspiration was unleashed during his first wife’s battle with terminal ovarian cancer. His first album, “Grief, Loss & Hope for Tomorrow,” shipped on September 11, 2001.

John is an accomplished bagpiper and member of the Medinah Highlanders; President of the Chicago Songwriters Collective since 2006 where he increased the membership from less than 100 to over 4,000; a founding member of the Palos Community Church Praise Band; and is a voting member of the Recording Academy (GRAMMYs ®).

Although John is more than capable of finding the humor in life, his music is ultimately a tool to help people connect to God.

His songs tell stories of relationships both horizontal (person to person) and vertical (person/people to God).

“Music is my favorite form of communication. It connects people in a way beyond the sum of its parts. When you play from the heart – peace, hope, and the grace of God can’t help but come shining through.”

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John plays out solo or in various band situations. He has an easy rapport with the audience and has played in a variety of places; some expected, some not. These include coffeehouses, yearly at the Fox Valley Folk Festival, acoustic performances on a prairie for a conservation group, and nursing homes.